Share your Creative Journey with me
Today, not only am I sharing my wish for you join my team of independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators as I think you would be amazing, I am also sharing a little bit about me and my creative journey!
We only have just over five weeks left of the special sale-a-bration joining offer (ends 28th February). But before I go into all of the details about that, let me tell you more about my own journey.

So, my journey so far, with Stampin’ Up! to help you understand why I’d like you to Share your Creative Journey with me
Now I say “So Far” because I’m around for the long haul. Stampin’ Up! is a huge part of my life and it can be yours too! Just how much a part is up to you. For me, I use card making, scrapbooking and sharing tutorials as part of my hobby. This just happens to be my job too!
Isn’t that great? While doing my hobby, my “ME” time, my go to activity – I am also working my business. And all while inspiring and helping others on the same journey. Whether that is in a business or in an inspirational hobby demonstrator role.

When I first joined in October of 2018 I had a plan in mind. Having attended a craft class for a few months prior, I knew it was something I wanted to do myself. And the eager little beaver that I am, I jumped straight in. I secured the use of a community hall every Saturday. I enlisted the support of a few family members to help me get into the teaching role. You can always rely on family. It too a few months to build up but I was patient, and wasn’t giving up. Our weekly group now has an average of 8 to 15 attendees each week (pre-lockdown).
My next step…
My next step was to start a YouTube channel. (This was a goal of mine despite me hating the sound of my own voice.) They say the first 100 and first 1000 subscribers are the hardest, and this is true. But I was consistent, pushing to make this work. I found that setting time aside each week for the marketing side of sharing posts, etc. definitely helped. I still work to this motto today. I’m not on YouTube as much this past six months or so. This is due to the fact I’m also working at home for my part-time day job. I still haven’t quite got into a routine yet. Or should I say, I’m not getting the peace and quiet to do this!

Now having M.E. (short for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) means that sometimes I can’t do what I love. And that’s okay, because I am usually always weeks ahead in my planning. So, when I have health set backs, there’s no panic. Set backs usually caused by stress, over exertion, too much commotion and so forth. I do like to keep my life calm, creative, fluent and stress free. But understand also that we all have external factors we can’t control from time to time. And being my own boss means that I can be as flexible as I need to be – great right?
Team Smithy was born
It was within the first six months of joining I had a lovely lady join my team. Fast forward a year later and I had a team of seven and was promoted to Silver Elite! A promotion that allows you even more exclusive benefits – one of which was a trip to Leader’s Summit in the USA. I was so excited, but the pandemic got in the way.
Supporting, encouraging, inspiring and training the team are most definitely, the best parts about my role. I still love to be creative, I just love watching others be creative too. That’s why I love team crafting days, team catch ups on Zoom, and keeping in touch with the team on personal and mentoring role levels.
As well as our own team group page, there are other avenues that you can join in with that will support and inspire you also. You will be informed of all this once you join.
How has the pendemic affected my business?
In short, not a lot. I simply switched from in person and online tutorials to 100% online. The transition was easy because I was already doing the latter.
Now, let’s talk about this wonderful joining offer
Our Starter Kit is only £99. But, you actually get to choose £130 worth of products to make up your kit. What goes in your kit is entirely up to you! You decide. Now you may want to stock up on co-ordinating inks and papers. Or maybe you want to add the brand new Stampin’ Cut & Emboss machine. Or the mini. What about both like I have? The main thing is that YOU decide.
What else? That’s right there’s more! I want you to share your Creative Journey with me
During our current Sale-a-Bration promotion you will receive FIVE free packs of 6″x6″ Designer Series Paper. There is a total of 200 sheets worth over £50 right there! You will also save £4.95 as there is no shipping fee on your kit order.
If you’re already decided and wish to join my team, which I think would be absolutely fantastic, great. You can click the image below to be redirected to my joining page. Or you can read on for more information.

Our team is a fun, caring, honest group of likeminded paper crafters. We are now more than just colleagues, we are friends. That’s one of the great things you will learn about Stampin’ Up! You have lots of new crafty friends all over the world. You just haven’t’ met them yet.
Feel free to contact me.

To join my team, simply click this text JOIN MY TEAM or one of the images in this blog. Once you are redirected to the join now page, please ensure that it states TRICIA SMITH in the top corner.

Do you have questions or are unsure about any aspect of becoming a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator?
You may have more questions and that is absolutely fine. Feel free to message or email me. I also have a page dedicated to the most commonly asked questions. You can access this section via the image below.
When I joined I just went for it and asked questions later. But not everyone jumps in with two feet to new ventures! I don’t regret it that’s for sure.

Reach out to me, or click here to JOIN STAMPIN’ UP!
When a new member joins the team, remember that …

Maybe you would like to see what I do. You can follow me on YouTube, join my Facebook Community group or follow my Facebook Business Page.
Looking for a hard copy of our Mini Seasonal or Annual Catalogue? Contact me for a free copy. I hope that you enjoyed this blog post and that you are clearer about the exclusive opportunities that Stampin’ Up! can bring to you. You just need to want it.
Not quite ready? Want to shop our products for a while first? Then let me be your dedicated demonstrator
You can find all products in my online shop here:
Don’t forget to check out my Shop Now page, Customer Reward Page, Monthly Creative Crafting Kit Page and my Special Offers pages.
Click here to join my Team aka #TeamSmithy
Share your Creative Journey with me