Hi everyone, an unusual blog for you regarding my recent rebranding of my logo
Hello and welcome to my blog. Yesterday I revamped my logo so that I could get a completely new look, like rebranding, only everything is the same – just a new logo going forward.
I chose the long black plaited hair for my image as I feel it reminds me of .. well, me really. I often sport the pocahontas look with pig tails.

I really struggled to change the colour of the image on it’s own but luckily, my old friend Debbie of Dragnet Designs helped me out. I have just had these emailed back to me and I am over the moon with them. Thank you so much Debbie you are an absolute gem.
If you have time please give Debbies Company a visit, especially if you are looking to rebrand or develop a captavising website. Simply click on the image below to be redirected to her business website https://www.dragnetdesign.com/

Just a reminder that I have a youtube channel which can be viewed via the link below – I’d love for you to pop over to subscribe and watch this premiere with us. Link is further down the page.
I hope you like today’s news 🙂
Looking for a hard copy of our new Mini Catalogue – why not Contact me for a free copy.
While you are here don’t forget to check out my Shop Now page, Customer Reward Page, Monthly Creative Crafting Kit Page and my Special Offers pages.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel too www.youtube.com/smithscraftycreations