A Free Step by Step Guide to card making for beginners
This is a one off unique blog series where you will learn everything you need to know about handmade cards
Week 6 – A free step by step guide to card making for beginners: Thinking about setting up your own card making business?
Hi everyone thanks for joining me at week six of this mini series – cardmaking for beginners.
We are going to look at setting up your own cardmaking business.
How to sell your handmade cards
If you are wishing to sell handmade cards to friends or family or at craft fayres you must make sure that you are not breaking any tax laws for your area (see above). If you sell handmade goods, as soon as you accept money for them that is classed as a business. In Scotland there are tax thresholds that you need to become clued up about – it is safer to give the tax office a call to make sure you are not breaking any laws or at risk of your benefits being affected or your PAYE being affected by your new extra earnings – keep yourself safe and within the law. I am still relatively new to all of this small business process so please ensure you fully investigate the ins and outs.
Okay – so that’s the boring part –
Find your buyer market
This could be friends and family, work colleagues or the general public via in person and/or online. When I started out crafting I attended many craft fayres that unfortunately were not successful for me but this all depends on which area you live, what time of year it is, how your products look on your table, etc. I no longer sell my sample cards I donate or gift them away.
The best thing that will help you sell handmade cards is to provide the envelope and package them up nicely. Make them attractive to the buyer. If you do decide to to crafty fayres, lay out goods on your table so that it is attractive to the eye and categorise your handmade cards. I find that generic cards such as birthday, wedding and sympathy sells more than say, a motivational card or a friendship card – everyone has a birthday but not everyone needs motivated lol.
Make sure you are within the craft brand’s angel policy copyright guidelines. See Week 5 tutorial for a recap
If you wish to sell online there are many selling platforms out there that you should research, most come with a fee of somesort, but this may not be an issue for you. What you don’t want is for selling platform fees or craft fayre fees to cost more than you are making in monetary terms.
This is one of the most important business tips I can give you as it will product you as the seller and your customers – particularly if selling handmade goods or providing a service such as craft classes etc. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money so make sure that you search round all of the insurers out there.
Copyright and Angel Policies
Whatever brand you use you need to make sure you are within their Angel policy and not at risk of breaching it. Please see brand guidelines which can usually be found on their website, alternatively, request a copy.
If you are selling cards made with Stampin’ Up! products we have a specific copyright stamp that we must use on the cards if we are selling them. This can be stamped on the back along with your own contact details. If you designed the card from your own imagination and creativity, mark your spot on your design by adding your own copyright watermark or label. Ensure you always give credit to Stampin’ Up! by using the copyright stamp (or label). We have a stamp set named “Make a difference” which has a copyright stamp, a handmade by stamp and a few others that are perfect for sellers. See Week 5 for more information.
Support for Small Businesses
In my area, we are lucky that we have a Business Gateway Service that offers various support and training to new small businesses. If you have one in your area I would most definately recommend getting in touch with them as they can advise you on the full process of setting up a business from start-up information to book keeping and social media training. Worth a look :). Complying with GDPR laws are also mandatory especially if you are obtain people’s personal information. It is your responsibility. Contact the Information Commissioners Office for guidance. There is a whole array of information sources out there – definately worth researching.
How did SmithsCraftyCreations.com come about?
I was lucky that I found Stampin’ Up! by accident online just over a year ago. I bought a few products and just new this was the brand for me. I love that everything co-ordinated from the ink, paper and DSP to the embellishments and ribbon. Alot of product also cross-co-ordinates with other stamp sets etc. The quality of products was a big attraction to me also.
It took me only a matter of weeks to decide I wanted to be an Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator. I joined a team and picked out my starter kit costing £99 and was able to order product to the value of £130 as well as free shipping costs and my new found 20% discount on orders going forward.
I always wanted to share my crafty side so weeks later I set up my Social media platforms and began doing tutorials, not all demonstrators do the videos some opt for a blog only and that’s absolutely grand too. Once you get over your initial shock at speaking to yourself you will be fine….however, we will look at this next week in the 7th and final episode (28th September)…
At this point I didn’t know if I would be successful, and I’m still growing today, but these things take time, but with consistence, commitment and drive… anything is achievable.
Thinking about joining Stampin’ Up!?
If you are thinking about joining Stampin’ Up! and going down the same small business venture I have what I recommend is.
- that you research the demonstrator teams out there and join the team of someone you connect with, whether this is due to you following their journey online, knowing them personally, living close to them or just because you feel it’s right.
- that you are able to set time aside each day or each week to grow and develop your business, you can work as little or as often as you are able – we all have our own pace and that’s absolutely fine. How cool is it that whilst working on your business, you can continue to do what you love and that is to craft!
If you would like more information about joining Stampin’ Up! please visit Find a Demonstrator on the Stampin’ Up! w ebsite direct or see my “join my team” page by clicking the image below.
YouTube Link – live premiere at 9pm Saturday 21st September…. How to start a card making business
Previous Episodes
Week One How to make a handmade card, supplies design and finding inspiration Click to view BLOG POST
Week Two How to make a handmade card, basic card making techniques, equipment and terminology Click to view BLOG POST
Week Three How to make a handmade card look professional
Week Four The benefits of cardmaking
Thank you so much for tuning in today, I hope that the information has been helpful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Week Five How to donate or sell your handmade cards
Next Week…
Next week (week 7) we will look at where to start with Social Media…
Thanks for tuning in 🙂
Love Tricia x
Remember if you shop with me in any month you will get a handmade card and a small gift / product share at the end of each month from me – as a thank you for choosing me as your demonstrator.
Have a look at our awesome occasions catalogue too!
With the new catalogue finally here and LIVE online at my online shop, now is the time to start shopping. Simply click the Shop Now image above to get started (grab a cuppa first you could be while!) If you prefer, I can send you a copy of the catalogue but it you will need to cover the £3.95 P&P (this will be refunded after you make your first order with me). Alternatively, click link here 2019-2020_Annual_Catalogue to download a copy to save onto your PC.
Remember if you shop with me in any month you will get a handmade card and a small gift / product share at the end of each month from me – as a thank you for choosing me as your demonstrator.
Use my monthly Hostess Code
Now remember to use my hostess code which you will find on the right hand side of this screnn and under my Hostess Code Page – this changes every month so make sure you use the correct one. When customer orders cumulatively add up to £150 I can claim Stampin’ Rewards for free product to share amongst those who order that month. If you plan to spend £150 on your own, do not use the code as you will earn your own rewards for free product at time of ordering! If you are unsure please use my Contact Me page to ask any questions.
Spending £99 or more?
We have a great joining offer on all year round – sign up today as a demonstrator for £99 and receive £130 worth of product! Yes – that’s £31 free Plus… no P&P costs on your starter kit. Why not join me in this wonderful crafty world that is Stampin’ Up! If I can do it, so can you! Not to mention the 20% discount for the first six months minimum. Please refer to my Join my Team page for full details and benefits
Stampin’ Up! Offers such as clearance, product medley, freebies and new products
Stampin’Up! offer various promotions and offers throughout the year, and this is to keep things exciting for both you (the customer) and I (the demonstrator). Click on any image below to view our current promotions individually –
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me any time 🙂
Contact Me: Tricia Smith, UK Indpendent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator based in Scotland, UK (Smithscraftycreations.com)
Telephone: 07864 306373 or Email: smithscraftycreations@gmail.com
Happy Shopping!
Love T x